Saturday, December 21, 2019

Free Community College Good Or Bad Essay - 1671 Words

Free Community College: Good or Bad Education these days is vital for many job titles. It can become difficult for many people to receive a job without a high school and especially a college education. Most jobs in America, from sales manager to registered nurse and even a construction worker in some cases, require an education past high school. With the cost of college, at average ten thousand dollars at state schools, not accounting for living quarters or even meals, it is leaving many students in large overbearing debt. Many have looked for the solution of this strenuous debt and one of their solution is to make the first two years debt free. By making the first two years of college debt free, it would encourage more people to attend college, expand the educational horizons of our nation, increase employment rates of America, and it could be done without causing a larger debt on America. One of the largest reasons many people oppose that college in America should become free for its first two years is the cost. â€Å"By White House estimates, the total expenditure would be about $60 billion over a 10-year period.† (Free Community College) Two factors are at question with this kind of money. First, why not use this money in other areas of our nation? 60 billion dollars could be put towards our public high schools to increase education at a younger level. It could also be put towards creating new jobs. Even if America has become more educated doesn’t mean that an abundance ofShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Expanding Community College Access940 Words   |  4 Pagesschool will continue with their higher education level. Most of students think that if they graduate from college or four years university they will have a chance to work on the professional field rather than minimum wages. It is a good opportunity for whose low income students can make through and receive their college degree. To support my point, in the article â€Å"Expanding Community College Access† I agree with the President Obama that, â€Å"ASAP, which began in 2007, provides money for books, coachingRead MoreIs College Worth The Best?875 Words   |  4 PagesCollege Worth â€Å"†¦Life is on you. Now, I’d argue, is the best time to take advantage of your education. And by doing so, you might just be taking charge of your life† (Stephens 2). We have the free will and capacity to make good and bad choices in life. Sometimes making a decision is difficult, but we must remember to always be ready to face the outcome of our choices. Just like college, we must be ready to face the results whether they may be good or bad. As the saying goes, if there’s a willRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1689 Words   |  7 Pagesevery institution. 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